Week One


Week One 🔔🩷

  1. Attendance

  2. Quick note about Women’s Leadership

  3. Quick note about Internal Relations

  4. Belle of the Week

  5. Belles Journal

  6. Conversation Cards

  7. Shout Outs

  8. Officer Updates

  9. New Years Discussion/Activity


  • New quarter = new credits!! Make sure to plan ahead!

  • We will be following up about fall quarter penalties soon!

  • Encouragement for Baby Belles and returning GMs to mingle, because soon we will do Big and Little!

Community Outreach

Write updates here!

Public Relations

  • Keep sharing all your photos <33

  • Merch after meeting

  • New merch in the workings



Fill out our form on the agenda if you are interested in hosting your own fundraiser!

Start planning your fundraising credits early!


Contact me if you are interested in still going on our annual Disney trip

New year, new you? Make hosting a social your new years resolution!

Women’s Leadership

Write updates here!

Campus Culture

Watch out for PLAY Day Committee Applications - coming soon!!


Workshop #1 is this Thursday with me! 2-3:15 pm at YRL Study Room

The DEI Calendar is posted and being updated. So more workshops will be posted later this week!

Internal Relations

Write updates here!